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A few months ago, I was walking in a local park praying to the Lord. Since he invites us to come before his throne of grace in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16), I typically begin my times of prayer by seeking him on behalf of others and myself. Then I ask him to speak to me if he has anything in particular to say. That morning, I was listening. I walked by a trashcan and what immediately jumped out at me was the work on the container flap—PUSH. I asked the Lord what that might mean for me.


During my time of presenting needs before him, I told him of my discouragement that things with UpStream Ministries www.jimmusser.com were progressing so slowly. What I sensed the Lord meant was to PUSH through. PUSH through discouragement. PUSH through resistance to my message. PUSH through the apathy of many church leaders that change is needed in how kids are being raised spiritually.


In that message, I felt his encouragement, his validation, and his presence by my side as I am embarking on a prophetic ministry. I remember reading through the prophets when I was trying to find a publisher for Letters from Downstream, and I realized that, like the prophets of old, my mission would not be an easy one. They met much resistance as well as apathy to their messages. Yet to be obedient, they had to PUSH through. I knew it would be a similar task for me. Like them, I had to be obedient to the Lord regardless of what others were saying.


It has not been easy, and that is why the Lord’s PUSH message was much needed and reassuring. Just last week, after sending an email to a church staff member introducing UpStream Ministries, I received a curt response—“No thank you.”


If we examine the lives of faithful followers of the Lord in both the Old and New Testaments, what we find is a consistency of resistance. Moses repeatedly had to deal with the murmurings of the Israelites about his leadership and their living conditions Numbers 11:1-6; Exodus 17:1-4). Jeremiah dealt with a defiant audience (Jeremiah 42:1-3) Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus met resistance from many religious leaders who objected to his preaching and found his teachings difficult to accept (Luke 5:20-22; Luke 11:53). Paul also faced continual challenges to his preaching (Acts 13:44-45). It was James who aptly described the believers’ approach to following the Lord:


            Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy (5:10-11).


Whenever the Lord makes clear to me that my ministry with UpStream Ministries has reached its end, I want to be able to say that I persevered to its final day despite the less than encouraging reactions from many, and my own doubts and discouragement along the way. I want to keep PUSHing through because I know that if I do, I will certainly be blessed.


What about you? Is this a message for you as well? Do you need to PUSH through whatever is coming between you and the Lord’s will for your life? He is there with you. He is faithful. And he will honor your obedience with blessings.

© Jim Musser 2023 All Scripture references are from the New International Version, 2011.